Main Donate Form

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12 Oct, 24
New t-shirts for those in need

Delivered for the needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Dnipropetrovsk region.


05 Oct, 24
41-ша карета швидкої допомоги
41st ambulance

Delivered to Ukraine and handed over to paramedics for saving lives.


04 Oct, 24
Збір на авто для Ігоря Матвійка
Fundraising for a car for Ihor Matviyko

A fundraising campaign has been announced for a car for the Ukrainian defender from Kavan, Ihor Matviyko.


03 Oct, 24
New pajama sets

For internally displaced persons (IDPs) and socially vulnerable groups.


02 Oct, 24
Нове жіноче взуття та сумки
New women’s shoes and bags

For the needs of socially vulnerable groups and large families.


01 Oct, 24
Станція очистки води для апаратів діалізу
Water treatment station for dialysis machines

Our foundation's medical project continues to operate.
