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01 Feb, 25
Портативний УЗД апарат
Portable ultrasound machine

State Institution "Institute of Urology named after Academician O.F. Vozianov of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"


28 Jan, 25
Подарунки для дітий з особливими потребами
Gifts for children with special needs

A total of 179 gifts were delivered to the institution's residents.


27 Jan, 25
Черговий трак із гуманітарною допомогою
Another truck with humanitarian aid

This shipment weighs over 15 tons and is worth more than €70,000.


24 Jan, 25
Волонтерська допомога дітям Чернігівщини
Volunteer assistance for the children of Chernihiv region

In particular, personalized gifts were presented to the children of fallen servicemen.


23 Jan, 25
580 іменних подарунків для дітей
580 personalized gifts for children

Gave children a celebration and belief in miracles!


16 Jan, 25
A portable ultrasound device delivered on the eve

The ultrasound device is already in active use!
