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05 Mar, 24
Гуманітарна допомога у вигляді одягу та взуття
Humanitarian aid in the form of clothing and footwear

We provided humanitarian aid to the Sumy Regional Specialized Children's Home.


04 Mar, 24
Дбаємо про наповнення лікувальних установ різноманітним обладнанням
We ensure the provision of medical institutions with a variety of equipment

We have delivered medical air purifiers to the Kyiv City Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1.


03 Mar, 24
Медичні функціональні ліжка з матрацами
Medical functional beds with mattresses

Delivered to the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital to meet the needs of the intensive care unit.


02 Mar, 24
The truck with humanitarian aid has been received

We thank the Lviv department for the reception and unloading.


01 Mar, 24
Пожежений автомобіль прибув в Україну
The fire truck has arrived in Ukraine

It was a challenging journey, as strikes in Poland and border closures made their impact.


24 Feb, 24
An ambulance has been handed over

The vehicle was prepared for dispatch the day before.
