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26 Jan, 24
Медична допомога для Краматорської міської лікарні №3 та Лиманської міської лікарні
Medical Aid for Kramatorsk City Hospital No. 3 and Lyman City Hospital

Air Purifiers, Ophthalmic Lamps, Syringes and Needles, Medical Gloves, Walkers.


11 Jan, 24
Допомога для КЗ ЛОР "Роздільський дитячий будинок - інтернат"
Aid for the State Institution “Specialized Boarding School for Hearing Impaired Children ‘Rozdilskyi

Center for Boys and Young Men with Significant Special Needs in Lviv Oblast.


10 Jan, 24
Передали холодильні камери для медичних препаратів
Medical refrigeration units have been delivered

Additionally, infusion systems and medical gloves have also been provided.


09 Jan, 24
Склад в Броварах прийняв фуру з гуманітарною допомогою
The warehouse in Brovary has received a truckload of humanitarian aid

The provided assistance is currently much needed in hospitals and for rescue operations on the frontline.


07 Jan, 24
The truck with humanitarian aid has been loaded in Lviv

Thank you to the volunteers of the Lviv division for their coordinated efforts.


04 Jan, 24
Фура гуманітарної допомоги до Снятинської лікарні
The humanitarian aid truck has arrived at Sniatyn Hospital

The demand for neurorehabilitation departments has increased, so now almost every hospital is opening such units.
