Delivered for the needs of the State Institution “All-Ukrainian Center for Motherhood and Childhood of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”:
2 resuscitation tables for newborns;
5 SIPAP devices;
10 physiomonitors;
3 nebulizers;
1 pallet of 1 ml syringes;
216 packages of the children’s antibiotic Sefdinir;
450 packages of the adult antibiotic Azithromycin;
4 baby playpens installed in the bomb shelter;
1 baby crib.
This medical institution is Ukraine’s leading scientific research center in the field of maternal and child health. Its specialists work tirelessly day and night to bring us closer to victory by preserving what is most precious— the lives and health of children and future mothers! It is the coming generation that will shape the history of independent Ukraine!